They prayed for a baby, tender and mild…
«He did not wait for me to say: “Have mercy, my Lord!” He said to me: “Follow Me!”»
– Matthew, when asked to speak on his meeting with Jesus
Matthew’s Recollection of being Called
“How do you know? Is the news certain?”
– Joseph, after hearing from Mary that Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age
“A messenger came. One who would not tell lies.”
– Mary, speaking of Gabriel
Mary tells Joseph about Elizabeth
Philistine sailor: “That is true. Are you looking for a job?”
Peter: “Yes.”
“I will take you on, if you wish. I can see that you are a clever sailor” said the owner.
“I instead will take you.”
Peter connects with the Philistines
« What have I done? …I have given a wealth that has no name: the knowledge of the Law, the knowledge of God…»
– Jesus, in response to the first questioning
«But who makes You so good, that You make Your disciples so kind?»
– an old trembling man to Jesus
«Once, twice, three times… There is a limit!»
– Peter, on how many times he can forgive Judas Iscariot for his rudeness to Jesus
«There is no limit to love and forgiveness. There is none.»
– Jesus, in reply
No Limit to Love and Forgiveness
«Instead a new wealth, which I had never possessed before, descended upon my desolation: the wealth of a conviction: “God exists.”»
– The formerly rich and powerful Simon Zealot on the wealth he received while a leper.
Peter: «That old man hates You, remember that. He is one of Your first and fiercest accusers at the Temple.»
Jesus: «I remember that I am Mercy.»
« Your Father created the worlds… Could You not make two eyes for my child?»
– A mother, when asked by Jesus if she believed he could give sight to her blind son
Jesus Creates Two Eyes for a Child
«I? Master, Lord! But do You know who I am? I am saying that for Your sake, not for mine…»
– Matthew, to Jesus’ order to follow him
«Here are Your servants, O Lord. May your will always be done by us, in every hour, in every event, for Your glory and Your love.»
– Mary offering her newborn to the Father, with Joseph kneeling by her side.
«A favour, Johanna.» Jesus looks at her and smiles: «I would like those to have a mother, a father, a home; and the mother’s name to be Johanna…»
He has no time to finish because Johanna’s cry is like that of one freed from prison, while she prostrates herself to kiss the feet of her Lord.
– Jesus asking a great favor of Johanna, who has hoped for this exact joy.
Jesus’ Favor of Johanna of Chuza
«He replied with a smile which made us enjoy the delights of Paradise: “I want a great treasure from you… A treasure with seven names, which even the poorest may have… charity, faith, good will, right intention, continence, sincerity, spirit of sacrifice.”»
– John repeating Jesus’ reply to being told that the fishermen had nothing to offer Him.
Jesus’ First Meeting with James and John
«“And have no doubts. This is His evidence: spirit of peace, perfect love, greatest wisdom, heavenly doctrine, absolute meekness, power over everything, total humility, angelical chastity.
You cannot be wrong.
When you breathe peace near a man Who says He is the Messiah, when you drink the love emanating from Him, when you pass from your darkness into Light, when you see sinners being redeemed and flesh being cured, then say: ‘This is truly the Lamb of God!’.”»
– John the Baptist to his disciples who aiming to be loyal to him, had not followed Jesus.
John the Baptist: This is His Evidence