They prayed for a baby, tender and mild…
In a thundering voice says Mary: «The Master said that we must hope beyond hope, and in God only. And we will do that.»
«But he is dying, according to what I hear!» says Doras.
«So what? Let him die! I will not obstruct God’s decree and I will not disobey the Rabbi.»
«And what do you expect after his death, foolish woman?» says the Herodian mockingly.
«What? Life!»
– Referring to Lazarus, Mary’s voice is a cry of absolute faith.
Mary Magdalene: Faith, Strength
«Oh! woman! Great is your faith. And you comfort My spirit by it. Go, therefore, and it will be done to you as you wish.»
– With James of Zebedee and others becoming disheartened after being expelled, derided, and cursed, a Cananean mother shows faith beyond all expectations after being expelled, derided and cursed herself by the very same apostles.
The Cananean Mother’s Great Faith
« Your Father created the worlds… Could You not make two eyes for my child?»
– A mother, when asked by Jesus if she believed he could give sight to her blind son
Jesus Creates Two Eyes for a Child
«And that is just what is wonderful! That you do not know where He comes from and you say that no prodigy points Him out as a just man. But He opened my eyes and none of us in Israel had ever been able to do that…»
– Bartholmai, a man born blind, amazed at the Pharisees’ accusations that Jesus is a sinner.
«…he, wonder of wonders! comforts our sorrows. People come from Hippo and Gamala and even from Gherghesa and Aphek to hear him. When he heard of the miracle of the two men possessed… oh! he began to preach faith in You.
«Lord, if men greeted You with Your name of Messiah, if women greeted You as victor and king, if children know Your name and that You are the Holy One of Israel, that is due to the poor leper.»
– An elder describing to Jesus the faith of an amazing poor leper as they approach his cave.